Eco friendly products

Nobody can anticipate the rapid effects to our everyday life of the destruction of environment. Nobody can pretend that they cannot see them.
Recycling or the use of recyclable products is not a trend. It is and it has to remain to the conscience of everybody and especially to young people as a way of life. We are all responsible for what environment will give to the next generations.

Τhat’s why all our products are recyclable and we cooperate with a certified recycling company for all the wastes of our production process, so as with the “Appliances recycling S.A" regarding our paper devices. Additionally because our company wants to contribute further to this sector, presents some friendly to the environment products which are made from recyclable fibres and meet all the EU's certificates of suitability. These are:

Eco green napkins,
Hand Towel Roll Autocut brown & green 1p,
Hand Towel Roll Autocut gold 2p,
Hand Towel V-Fold ECO PD 2p,
Hand Towel Z-Fold ECO FIN 2p,
Category "Botanika" for Hotels
Athens: 33 Ortansias st., Acharne 13677 Tel. 210 5590022 & 24 | 210 6254969 | 211 2168110
Thessaloniki: 9th kl Thessaloniki Oraiokastro 57013 – PC 107 Tel. 2310 682005 | 2310 688959
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